“The Fortaleza CD by composer and pianist Ania Paz is an authentic piece of art. It reflects intelligence, knowledge about the vast universes of academic and popular music, in addition to a very high sensitivity. Ania dares again to push jazz beyond itself, in terms of structure.
The artist also talks about the importance of unifying nations and human beings. She is an example of a woman that is breaking barriers in many dimensions.”
Estefania Romero, Bop Spots – Jazz Research, Critic and Promotion, Mexico
Ania Paz Trío – Perú Chile Jazz
Franco Alcázar – Drums; Eduardo Peña – Bass; Ania Paz – Piano
Recorded at Arka Studios. Recording Engineers: Juan Carlos Estremadoyro, Roberto Rodríguez and Daniel León
Mix and Mastering Engineer: Virgilio Féliz Junior en JunoLab
Musical Production: Ania Paz; Executive Production: Ania Paz and Franco Alcázar
Design: Adaritza Pérez